Nelson Child and Adolescent Therapists


Nelson Child and Adolescent Therapists is a grassroots organisation run by a collective of practicing child and adolescent therapists. The purpose of the organisation is to promote quality mental health care for children and adolescents. We strive to accomplish this purpose by providing a support network for practicing clinicians working with or desiring to work with children and adolescents and their families.  We support our members through small group meetings, trainings and workshops conducted by qualified professionals in the field, and advocacy efforts to promote quality mental health care for children. 

Membership Benefits:

  • Discount to trainings and workshops

  • Monthly small groups available for on-going, hands-on professional training

  • Communication and support from other therapists working in the field 

  • A website where you can post your professional information

  • Advocate for children and their families


Consider becoming a part of this exciting organisation! 

To apply to be a full or Associate member please fill out this application and send it to: 

CATA, PO BOX 1196, Nelson 7040

Account Number: 38-9014-0565791-00